Beginners guide for Cloudera and how to configure it on AWS – EC2!

What is Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop AKA CDH?

Cloudera release or sell products which includes the official Apache Hadoop release, and/or their own and other useful tools.

Other companies or organizations release products that include artifact builds from modified or extended versions of the Apache Hadoop source tree.

Such derivative works are not supported by the Apache Team: all support issues must be directed to the suppliers themselves.

There are two versions of Cloudera distribution as follows,

  1. Cloudera Express – Free version
  2. Cloudera Enterprise versions – Paid version

Following are the steps to configure CDH cluster in EC2 machines.


  • Login to and download Cloudera Manager by providing your sign up credentials
  • Login to all the EC2 machines with which you are about to set up the cluster.
  • Edit /etc/hosts file and add “hostnames and private IP address” of all the machines
  • Login to the master machine and follow the below steps



  • wget
  • chmod u+x cloudera-manager-installer.bin
  • sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin


Go to publicIP_of_EC2_machine:7180 in the browser with the below credentials

Username: admin

Password: admin


Click add cluster button and go to continue.


Select the CDH distribution version and package which you want to install in the cluster


Copy the hostnames from /etc/hosts file, ideally all the machines with which you want to create a cluster. Provide the hostnames/ip’s of the machines in textbox and continue.


  • Provide the common username and password which is available on all the machines.
  • Typically for linux machines you will either get “ec2-user” or “ubuntu” as a username.
  • Locate the ppk file by clicking the browse button and continue with the installation.


Once host setup is finished, click continue to go to the services installation section.

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In this screen select the services which you want in the cluster (eg.,hadoop, hive, sqoop, oozie, all). And click next to continue


In this section you can select the machines where the master services (Namenode, ResourceManager,  HMaster., etc) should be configured and where the slave services (Datanode, Nodemanager, HRegionServer., etc) should be configured. Select the hosts to configure the corresponding services and click next.


Upon successful installation Cloudera manager will start the cluster and we can start monitoring and use it via Cloudera manager and hue for small dev tasks.

Alex is a Big Data Evangelist and a Certified Big Data Engineer with many years of experience. He has helped clients to optimize custom Big Data Implementation, migrate legacy systems to Big Data ecosystem, and build integrated Big Data and Analytics solutions to help business leaders generate custom analytics without need of IT.